Archive for bacteria

Foods that can eliminate bad breath

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 19, 2013 by ecofrenfood

Foods that can eliminate bad breath

Tuesday, January 15th 2013.

Eliminate bad breath


Foods that can eliminate bad breath | Although often overlooked, mouth and teeth uncared can lead to a bad breath or halitosis. Collection of bad bacteria in the mouth that interact with the remnants of food will produce odors. If you want practical, brush your teeth after breakfast and before bed. Use a toothpaste that has been packed full with natural extracts, such as lime, betel leaves, and salt, which would protect oral health. Plus, create a longer lasting fresh breath.


People who have problems of bad breath (halitosis) is generally not aware of any problems. Actually there is an easy way to test the breath smell. Press a clean finger into the mouth and then wipe the saliva in the back of the tongue. Allow a few moments and then smell your finger.


eliminate bad breath, causes bad breath, reduce bad breath


Causes of bad breath


  • Bacteria; The mouth is one part of the body that liked by bacteria. These microorganisms lurking in between the teeth and tongue surface. When the bacteria multiply and accumulate toxins and they will issue a less pleasant odor.
  • Tonsils; Holes on the inside of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) is called crypts, is one culprit of halitosis. The dots on lymphoid tissue in the swollen tonsils often tucked away leftovers and bacteria that cause bad odors.
  • Foods; Foods such as garlic, durian, or fish, also cause bad breath, even though we have to brush your teeth.
  • Disease; Bad breath can also be a sign of diseases such as respiratory infections, chronic sinus infections, diabetes, kidney disorders, liver, and chronic acid reflux.
  • Dry mouth; Lack of drinking water and a dry mouth is also a contributor to the cause of bad breath problem. That’s why, when wake up in the morning bad breath. This smell usually goes away after you brush your teeth and drink water.


Foods reduce and eliminate of bad breath


  • Lemon; Try to suck the lemon slices, or biting edge of the lemon. If you are in restaurants, can order water with lemon in it, or lemon tea. For the times of urgency, with candy lemon-flavored can also help, plus more portable.
  • Apples, pears, and carrots; These foods are rich in fiber, plus chewing these foods will help mouth produce saliva. Both of these will create a kind of cleansing the mouth.
  • Crispy seasoning; For more exotic solutions, try searching for cardamom, coriander, or fennel seeds, commonly sold in places where the sale of spices. Chewing spices were going to remove the oil to neutralize bad breath.
  • Leaves of mint or cinnamon sticks; These materials can help neutralize the unpleasant odor of onions and garlic. Plus, oil of cinnamon can kill bacteria in the mouth so as not to grow more. Cinnamon or mint gum as effective. If you are lovers of chewing gum, choose a sense of mint chewing gum containing xylitol to reduce the risk of cavities and refreshes the breath.
  • Berry fruit and yogurt; If you can not get through the day without eating foods that can trigger bad breath smell, eat for prevention, which is better than trying to eliminate the smell that was overpowering. Eating half a cup of plain yogurt, sugar free, low in fat and can reduce levels of hydrogen sulfide odors that cause bad breath. Berries, as well as melons, oranges and other fruits that contain vitamin C, also can reduce oral bacteria that smell. Start each day with a fruit yogurt provided as a complement.

Bad breath can be triggered by various factors, one is from foods. Food can not only cause bad breath, but also can help eliminate the odor. Bad breath or halitosis, is caused by various reasons such as eating certain foods, smoking, gum disease, dry mouth and oral bacteria.

Wisdom on Drinking

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 5, 2013 by ecofrenfood

Wisdom on Drinking

Drunk Taster 
In an alcohol factory the regular taster died and the director was in urgent need of looking for a replacement.
A drunkard with ragged, dirty look came to apply for the position.

The director of the factory wondered how to send him away. They tested him.

They gave him a glass with a drink.
He tried it and said, “It’s red wine, a Muscat, three years old, grown on a north slope, matured in steel containers.”
“That’s correct”, said the boss.

Another glass.
“It is red wine, cabernet, eight years old, a south-western slope, oak barrels.”

A third glass. 
”It’s champagne, high grade and exclusive” calmly said the drunk.

The director was astonished. 
He winked at his secretary to suggest something.

She brought in a glass of urine. The alcoholic tried it.

“It’s a blonde, 26 years old, pregnant in the third month. 
And if you don’t give me the job, I’ll name the father!” 


To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine...
And those who don’t.

As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom,
In beer there is freedom,
In water there are bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials,
Scientists have demonstrated that if we drink
1 litre of water each day,
At the end of the year we would have absorbed
More than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) – bacteria
Found in faeces.
In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking
wine & beer or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor
Because alcohol has to go through a purification

process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

Water = Poop,
Wine = Health
Therefore, it’s better to drink wine and talk stupid,

Than to drink water and be full of shit

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information:
I’m doing it as a public service!

Can You Say “Kefir”?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 20, 2011 by ecofrenfood

Can You Say “Kefir”?

By Debi Hopkins

Kefir is a fermented dairy product similar to yoghurt and it is one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence. I’ve known about the benefits of yogurt with live cultures added for a very long time, but have just recently learned about another cultured milk product—-Kefir.

I was unsure as to how to pronounce this new word, so I went to this site on the web that will pronounce it for you, here is the link:

Traditionally, kefir has been made in a base of cows or goats milk, and in some areas sheep’s milk was also used. It was set to ferment or culture in pouches made from the hides of animals. Occasionally it was also made in clay pots or wooden buckets or oak vats.

If the kefir was made in pouches, the pouch was hung in the sun during the day and brought back into the house at night, when they were hung near the door. Everyone who entered or left the house was expected to prod the pouch with their hand or foot to mix the contents. As kefir was removed more fresh milk was added, making the fermentation process continuous.

The Health Benefits of Kefir—

Research has shown that there are many ways we can benefit from ingesting fresh, fermented or cultured foods which are full of friendly bacteria. Some of these benefits include the following:

* Cultured or fermented foods help our bodies to manufacture B-vitamins, such as biotin, niacin(B3), pyridoxine(B6) and folic acid by providing the enzyme lactase, and they enhance the digestion of milk based foods, and help our body’s to absorb the calcium which they contain, which is a great bonus for people who cannot otherwise digest dairy products.

* They predigest the protein of cultured milk (yoghurt, kefir) thus enhancing protein digestion and absorption.

* They can help control the spread of undesirable micro-organisms (by altering the acidity of the region they inhabit and/or are producing specific anti-biotic substances, as well as depriving rival unfriendly bacteria of their nutrients). The antibiotics some of the friendly bacteria produce are effective against many harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, not the least of which ar! e the potentially harmful yeasts controlled by some lactobacilli like Candida albicans. Candidiasis has been implicated in many health problems world-wide, especially in people who are malnourished or whose immune systems are compromised or run down, as is the case in many of the people infected with HIV or AIDS. Food poisoning and many bowel and urinary tract infections (diarrhea, cystitis etc.) can be prevented and treated using high doses of bacterial cultures like those that are found in kefir.

* They can help to considerably enhance bowel function, especially where bowel bacteria are absent, or severely depleted, the function of peristalsis is impaired, and the amount of time it takes for food to pass completely through the system can be greatly increased.

* They can help to control high cholesterol levels.

* They have been shown to control facial acne in 80% of adolescents with this problem.

* They play a vital role in the development of a healthy digestive tract in babies.

* They play a role in protecting against the negative effects of radiation and toxic pollutants, thus enhancing our immune systems.

Traditional kefir is manufactured using kefir “grains,” which are “porous polysaccharide structures” resembling small cauliflower florets; the grains hold the microorganisms that are responsible for the fermentation process. The microflora in the grains include lactic acid streptococci, leuconostocs, lactobacilli, yeasts and acetic acid bacteria. After fermentation, a 1 mL of good quality kefir contains between 104 to 109 microbes.

How to Make Kefir—

Kefir can be made from whole, low-fat or skim milk. If you choose to make your kefir using a lower fat or skim milk, the body and “mouth-feel” of the final product may be lacking, you can counter that somewhat by adding 1 to 4 percent non-fat milk solids like skim milk powder.

To begin with, the milk is pasteurized by bringing your milk to the boiling point ( about 180°F). The heat-treated milk is then cooled to inoculation temperature (somewhere around 64-72°F) and “kefir grains” are then added at a rate of 2 to 5 percent. I use “Yo’gourmet” freeze dried Kefir starter, which comes with enough starter (6 packets) to make 6 quarts of kefir. Each packet of starter contains 5 grams of kefir granules. The milk treated milk is then incubated for about 24 hours at 73-77°F, with two intermittent stirrings. The best fermentation temperature for Kefir are between 72 – 86F. Then the kefir grains are strained out, (using a plastic strainer) and rinsed with cold water and added to a new lot of milk or saved for later use. The fermented product is chilled and ready for consumption in about 8 hours. Stir to liquefy and then enjoy!! Keep your kefir refrigerated. Some of the commercial kefir products I have tried are sweetened with organic sugar crystals and enhanced with fruit flavor or puréed fruit—-peach is my favorite!

If the kefir grains were not removed from the fermented product, excessive acid production would gradually damage the live organisms. With refrigeration, acid production is inhibited, but the organisms will lose their activity after about 10 days. Several successive daily transfers may bring the culture (kefir grains) back to vitality. When kefir grains are washed with clean, cold water and dried on cloth or paper for 2 days at room temperature, they can then be stored in a dry, cool place for well over a year and still stay active. They can also be freeze-dried.

Some of the Health Benefits of Kefir—

A well balanced intestinal flora is a key for any successful treatment of illness. Antibiotics are not very selective as to which bacteria they eliminate. They kill and destroy the balance. When taking antibiotics, a brief improvement may be noticed because the antibiotics kill the unfriendly bacteria that make us ill which is the reason they are taken. But they kill the friendly bacteria as well and disturb the balance. With a disturbed intestinal flora the body’s immune system suffers and we are more open to develop new illnesses. Antibiotics are taken again, and again, and it can really reek havoc on our health.

Friendly bacteria, like those found in kefir can be helpful for things like:

Allergies; anemia; arthritis; asthma; bronchitis; cancer; bowel problems; colitis; eczema; gall bladder problems; gout; internal ulcers; kidney infections; liver problems; migraine headaches; rheumatism; skin rashes; stomach disorders like diarrhea and constipation; and building up the body’s own immune system and detoxifying it.

People with Candida albicans may be concerned about the yeast’s in Kefir, but research has shown that the disease is caused by an imbalance of intestinal flora and friendly bacteria. Yeast like that found in kefir, helps to rebalance the intestinal flora and fight Candida albicans.

Scientific studies in different countries show that friendly bacteria have an anti-tumor potential and act as anti-carcinogenic (anti-cancer) agents.

The recommended dosage for chronic or severe internal health challenges is one quart per day. For skin disorders a dosage of 1 pint is recommended plus additional washings with Kefir of the problem areas. Kefir is rubbed onto the skin and left on over night.

How to make Kefir from your culture—

1. Drain contents of jar (whey & culture) through a plastic strainer.
2. Place culture into a clean container of milk (about 1 quart), thickened (if desired), with milk powder. Room temperature milk is best.
3. Place a piece of thin muslin material over your container and leave it to set or thicken. This could take 24 – 72 hours depending on ratio of milk-to-culture, and temperature. 6 to 24 hours is usually adequate. The Kefir will become tarter the more it separates.
4. Pour Kefir + culture into strainer and strain Kefir into a bowl. It’s now ready to use. Refrigerate.
5. Wash culture remaining in strainer under cold water until it runs clear. Place into new milk solution as per step 2.
Your Culture will increase in volume each time it is fed, forming from the casein content of the milk. Therefore, the Kefir forms a little faster e! ach time.

Your kefir culture will last as long as you lovingly look after it. It can be rested in milk in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, and it will keep for up to two years in the freezer.

Researchers have found nearly 30 different bacteria and 25 different yeasts in Kefir cultures. Every bacteria and culture has specific temperature requirements, this is why a constant low temperature can’t be compensated with a longer fermentation time, or a constant high temperature with a shorter fermentation time. Your Kefir brewing needs some balance like hatching an egg.